Access to and use of the website (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") are subject to the legal notices described below and to the applicable laws and/or regulations.
Connection and access to the Site imply full and unreserved acceptance by the user of all the provisions below.
The Website Editor reserves the right to modify and update, without prior notice, the present legal notice and all the elements, products or services presented on the Website.
All these modifications are binding on users who must consult this legal notice each time they connect.
1. Publisher
Mrs Sankhon Carole, 116 Boulevard de Châteaudun 45000 Orléans FRANCE, self-employed, registered with the Orléans Trade and Companies Register under number 882 109 507 00013
Telephone: +33613977586
Referred to in this legal notice as "the Publisher".
2. Web host
OVH SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €, RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045, Code APE 2620Z, N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419, 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix France.
géré par byFlo, mail du support :
3. The design of the site is carried out byFlo.
The entire content present or made available through the site, such as texts, drawings, graphics, images, photos and videos, trademarks and logos, etc., is the property of Ms. Carole SANKHON.
THis content is protected by intellectual property rights. We draw your attention to the fact that the violation of intellectual property rights is constitutive of the offence of counterfeiting and punishable by law.
Fix'Style does not transfer any right on the content and does not authorize its visitors to copy and print on paper any content of its site, only for the purpose of preparing their purchases.
It is formally forbidden for any individual or legal entity to extract, copy, reproduce, modify, retranscribe and/or reuse all or part of the content for any other purpose than preparing purchases on the site, without the express written authorisation of the holder of the rights.
The establishment of a hypertext link to the Site requires prior written authorisation from the Publisher.
Any such link shall be subject to the legal provisions in force. The Publisher reserves the right, at any time, without prior notice and without having to justify its decision, to prohibit these links. In this case, he will inform the person concerned who will have two working days to put an end to the link.
If there are hypertext links accessible on the Site to other websites and in general to all existing resources on the Internet, these links will be offered to users as a service. The decision to activate the links belongs exclusively to the users, and the Editor cannot be held responsible for the nature and content of the sites to which the Site offers links.
The site is accessible, within the framework of a general obligation of means, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, except in cases of force majeure, scheduled or unscheduled interruptions that may result from a need for maintenance.
The pages of the website are therefore written with a view to quality and completeness, nevertheless, the Publisher cannot give any guarantee as to the exhaustiveness of the information content proposed. Under these conditions, each user must consider that the information appearing on this Site is given as an indication and cannot in any way engage the responsibility of the Editor. The Editor cannot be held responsible for the consequences of the use by the user of the information transmitted.
The Editor cannot be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage, including loss of data, profits and business interruption, resulting from a visit to the Site, from the use or the impossibility of using the content of this Site.
Privacy Terms
Fix’Style is committed to ensuring the protection and security of personal data provided by customers, and this, in accordance with the January 6 Law n° 78-17 regarding computing, files and liberties as well as in accordance with EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and the Council, called the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Fix’Style, as the party responsible for the processing of data, has set up a personal data processing whose main objectives are the management of user accounts and the delivery of services provided by the website, the management of customers and customer service followup, as well as the improvement of the user experience.
Personal Data we process
When you create an account or when you buy a product on, you are required to register the following personal data :
● First and Last name
● Email address
● Address and postal code (shipping / billing address)
● Mobile or home phone number
What are your rights?
In accordance with articles 49-50 and 51 on the law on computing and liberties, as well as with articles 15-16 and 17 of the GDPR, you are entitled to the following rights :
● Right of access : the person concerned has the right to obtain from the party responsible for data processing the confirmation that personal data regarding them are or are not being processed ;
● That your personal data be rectified as soon as possible when they are incorrect or incomplete ;
● That your data is deleted as soon as possible if they have become obsolete or because you have made such a request.
For the exercise of your rights, you can, by providing proof of identification by any means, make your request known by mail or by email at the address of the editor : 116 boulevard de Châteaudun 45000 Orléans or at A copy of the ID which includes the signature of the holder may be requested in this case.
A response will be provided to you within no more than one month upon reception of your request.
Your have the right to make a claim regarding the protection of data with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés [CNIL] at 3, Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 Paris Cedex 07 - Phone : +33 (0) and accessible by online form on the website of the CNIL.
Duration of holding of your data
Your data is systematically deleted when you close your account or if you were to make such a request (unless there are still orders being processed or if there are issues with billing the party concerned by the request).
When an account has not been used for 5 years, which means no connection to the given account, the account is deleted along with all the personal data related to the account.
Information relative to cookies
Technical data that is likely to be recorded as a result of access to or use of the Website are the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the user and information relative to the user’s setup (type of machine, browser, etc.) and browsing (date, time, viewed pages, occurrence of errors, etc.)
These bits of information can be stored in short text files (cookies) saved to the hard drive of the user by the server of the website.
This browsing data will only be used for the generation of user statistics, for error prevention, to prevent violations and counterfeiting of the Website or to improve the conditions of access or use of the Website.
To find out more about this last point, the user is invited to consult the instructions for the use of these parameters, depending on the browser used, which are accessible on the page of the CNIL’s website.
The collected information is not nominative, is not processed individually but in a global way, is not exploited, given away, leased to other companies, and not reused for advertisements that are not desired by the user.
A cookie is under the control of the user who can delete it at any moment. He or she can also configured his browser to refuse cookies by changing settings on his or her browser in the following way:
For Mozilla Firefox :
● Chose the “Tool” menu then “Options”
● Click on the “Privacy” icon
● Find the “Cookies” menu and select the options that suit you.
For Microsoft Internet Explorer :
● Chose the menu “Tools”, then “Internet Options”
● Click on the “Confidentiality” tab
● Select the desired level with the cursor
For Opera :
● Chose the menu “File”, then “Preferences”, then “Privacy”
Safety of personal datas
We have set up technical and organizational security measures in order to protect the access to your accounts and personal data.
Your data is neither exchanged nor shared with any third parties with the goal of commercial prospecting or regarding any requests to which you would not have already consented.
Your data is also not subject to a cross-border data transfer.
French law is applicable.
Right to mediation
Since 1 January 2016, the professional must allow any consumer access to a consumer mediation mechanism for the amicable resolution of any possible dispute. This obligation results from Article L.612-1 of the Consumer Code.
To settle your disputes with Fix'Style, you must first send us a written complaint to One month later, if you are not satisfied, you can contact the mediation service
Oval' Médiation, 11 rue de la Bretonnerie 45000 Orléans, tel. 07 86 54 19 20, simply and free of charge by telephone.
As a consumer, you also have the possibility of using the mediation procedure of the European online dispute resolution platform (RLL) in the event of a dispute:
However, if no agreement can be reached, any dispute that may arise from the interpretation of these provisions or the contractual relations between the User and the Publisher shall fall within the jurisdiction of the Orléans Commercial Court, 44 rue de la Bretonnerie, 45000 Orléans.